
We are a supplier of expert services and information technologies focused on improving business management and competitiveness. We focus especially on metals industry and discrete manufacturing industries (mechanical engineering, automotive, etc.).

Our deliveries are realized in the form of projects aimed at enabling our clients to become even faster, more reliable and flexible suppliers to their customers than before, and allowing them to increase their Operational Efficiency (low costs, high throughput, work without redundant inventories, etc). Improvements in the following areas are typical results of our projects:

Customer Delivery Performance

  • Improved Due Date Performance
  • Reduced Delivery Lead Times
  • Increased Flexibility
  • Improved Information Service

Operational Efficiency

  • Increased Throughput
  • Increased Inventory Turns
  • Specific Economic Effects
  • Improved Visibility

Within the framework of our solutions, we apply advanced management and planning methods and approaches (Best Practices), including highly efficient information technologies from the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS). The used technologies are our own.

The following characteristics are associated with our activities:

  • Highly Efficient Technologies even for Demanding Planning Environments

    Our systematic focus on demanding planning environments is entirely unique; these are the environments, in which applying conventional APS systems did not yield satisfying results so far. During our R&D activities, we have identified the specifics related to planning in Demanding Planning Environments and have consequently developed a set of revolutionary planning technologies, which we utilize in our software products. The result is a set of state-of-the-art planning tools, which allow even the companies which are distinctive by their extremely demanding planning environments to efficiently support the growth of competitiveness by planning.

  • Highly Efficient Expert Team

    We have been systematically developing our expert team focused on utilizing APS / SCM advanced planning technologies for over twenty years. Our specialists realized tens of successful projects implementing planning systems worldwide. We provide efficient support to our clients not only in Europe, but also in the US, Japan or Russia.

  • Above-average Project Results

    Our methodology is focused on providing high safety during project implementation. At the same time, it also intensively supports achieving goals improving Customer Delivery Performance and Operational Efficiency. Achieving tangible improvements of these KPIs in our clients’ enterprises is a usual result for us, not an incidental or exceptional event.

Want to know more? Your message will be answered by an expert with 10+ years of experience with APS systems in manufacturing companies.